You might as well smoke a cigarette
/Mu-uuummm can we have an ice cream? asked my 8yr old daughter from the back of the car, "Can we?" piped her friend, happy to be on a play-date together after school.
You might as well smoke a cigerette, I said
Is this statement over the top?
Actually no, that statement is not over the top. Ultra processed foods meet the same addiction criteria as tobacco and lead to a comparable amount of adverse health effects and premature death.
This is according to a study published in the medical journal Addiction in November 2022.
The ability of these foods to deliver high carbohydrate and/or fat in a short amount of time leads to cravings and a want for more. According to criteria established by the US surgeon general, a substance is addictive if (1) they trigger compulsive use, (2) they have psychoactive effects, and (3) they are reinforcing, (4) they trigger urges and cravings. High fat and sugary foods do just this, and are intentionally made this way, so you buy more of them. It's not about wellbeing or quality, it's about profits.
Smokers will continue to smoke dispite wanting to quit, even in the face of health consequences and financial difficulty.
Likewise, adults faced with severe adverse health outcomes such as type II diabetes and cardiovascular disease, will frequently be unable to significantly change their diet to remove ultra processed foods.
Both adults and children will continue to feed themselves potato chips, lollies, sweets, even when satiated.
According to the paper, around 10% of UK adults suffer from food addiction.
Both ultra processed foods and tobacco 'are legal, easily accessible, inexpensive, lack an intoxication syndrome, and are major causes of preventable death."
Just something to think about when planning your next shopping list.
For the sake of better health, I want you to think seriously and honestly about what habits are impacting negatively on your health and what can you can do to avoid those triggers.