Make your own flower essence

Flowers are the fertile expression of plants, they are the nectar, they are creative manifestations of divine love and life force. Flower essences capture the subtle healing properties of flowers in a safe and affordable way. It’s incredibly easy to make your own flower essences, and you can do so safely with any flowers you have in your garden. Ideally you want to choose flowers that have not been sprayed.

I feel quite a happy affinity for my sage plant, so when my daughter presented me with one of it’s beautiful flowered stems "mummy the plant wanted me to give this to you" I decided to make a flower essence.

This involved collecting some filtered water from my tap, putting it in a bowl with the sage flowers and letting it sit in the sun for a couple of hours.

Strain the plant matter from the water, being sure to collect the water in a clean vessel. Offer the plant matter back to the earth with gratitude. You are left with the mother tincture. Add some brandy or vodka to act as a preservative. I'd go with 5 parts water, 1 part spirit. You could also use colloidal silver if you don't want to use alcohol. Or don't use a preservative at all, but be aware the shelf life will likely only be a couple of weeks in the fridge. Maybe that's all you need.  Using an alcohol preservative means it will last for years.

Bottle up your essence and be sure to label it.

You can then sit with your essence, and perhaps with the plant your flowers came from, and meditate with it. Write a few notes informaion that comes through, or thoughts that pop into your head. For those sensitive to energy, it is surprising how powerful essences can feel. Use your intuition for guidance on dosage and purpose.

To prepare your flower essence for consumption you dilute it even further. For example, the bach flower essence range has a dosage of 4 drops 4 times a day. To prepare an essence for use, you take a 25 ml dropper bottle and fill three quarters full with distilled water. You then drop 4 drops of the mother tincture into the bottle, then top up with a little brandy for preserative. You take 4 drops of this blend four times per day. For Australian Bush Flower Essences, it's 7 drops from the mother tincture into a smaller 25ml bottle with water and brandy. When dosing your home-made essence, You can choose whatever number of drops feels good for you.

Ian white, creator of the Australian Bush flower essence range says he likes to collect the flowers on the day they bloom for the most potent flower essence.

Wild Grace Health stocks both the Bach and Australian Bush Flower Essence ranges if you’d like to explore flower essences further. A flower essence reading with dosage bottle is available for only $25. Readings available remotely or in the South Fremantle Wild Grace clinic.