Flu shot healer ginger turmeric smoothie
/I went to get the flu shot while I was still sniffling slightly at the end of a cold. I’d been feeling better for days. I wouldn’t usually get such a thing while still experiencing symptoms of illness, but my gorgeous husband Andy bought into all the fear in the media and begged me to get it done sooner rather then later. If I didn't have small children to care for I wouldn’t have been so hasty.
Twenty four hours after my flu vaccination I woke up completely wiped out (energy levels about a 1 in 10) and and my cold was back with a vengeance. Over the week it’s worsened into laryngitis and now a cough.
This smoothie is exactly what my body has been craving. I got to the stage where I only want to drink this and eat other fresh foods, such as cooked and raw vegetables and fruits, with a bit of protein - like tofu or fish. It feels like denser foods such as dairy and grains are interfering with my body’s immune process. I only want to eat foods that add something to my nutritional profile, not take away from it.
Except for coffee, because this woman’s gotta mother still.
Ingredients - add straight to your blender
2 stalks celery
4cm round of pineapple, peeled
1 whole orange, peeled
1 whole lemon, peeled
1 green apple
3 red radishes, washed
1 clove garlic
3- 4 cm knob of ginger, grated
2-3 cm knob of fresh turmeric, grated or 1 heaped tsp dried
half to one whole avocado
30ml of Elderflower Syrup
A really good grind of black pepper - this helps the absorption of the medicinal properties of turmeric
Enough filtered water for volume of ingredients and size of blender, - perhaps 1 - 2 cups
For the sake of better health, I want you to think seriously and honestly about what habits are impacting negatively on your health and what can you can do to avoid those triggers.