On being a lightworker and a ghost story


A disembodied spirit jumped on to me while I was visiting a recently-ex-drinker. This person had been forced into abstinence by medical necessity. 

Alcoholics tend to attract disembodied spirits, or ghosts, if you like. Ghosts never quite followed the light and are stuck in a miserable space of nowhere, always having needs not being fulfilled, seeking out depression and misery as that is the frequency they dwell in. I guess the ghosts that loved a drink while living, love a drink while dead. Perhaps you could call it some kind of hell? Anyway, I’m not one that physically sees disembodied spirits as I’m walking around in ordinary daylight, (I have seen them while deep in process giving Shiatsu bodywork, but that’s another story) however I’m pretty sure I felt the moment this particular entity decided that I’d do. I was sitting on my friends couch, and I guess this entity was bored shitless as my friend was no longer drinking or smoking, I felt it attach to me.  

I hadn’t had a drink for ages - well a month, but that’s a long time for me. I’d been feeling fabulous and not missing it at all. But on the way home I noticed every. single. bottle shop. And not only every single bottle shop, but every pedestrian that happened to be carrying a bottle of wine. The shops gleamed at me with their yellow lights as I passed by.  

The traffic was terrible, the hour was late, and I realised I'd be home past dinner time with hungry kids and at least half an hour of food prep in front of me, If not more. I decided to go to Rouccos for dinner, order the kids some pizza and spaghetti, and skip the whole clean up altogether. After this decision was made I realised I could order a glass of wine. That’s exactly what happened. I’m pretty sure it was the entity influencing my decisions.  

The wine gave me a terrible headache after a couple of hours. I knew I needed to get rid of this thing. In the meantime I discovered someone I thought a friend had unfriended me over a relatively impersonal disagreement. Yes, it was only facebook, but it still hurt. This was upsetting on top of having an alcoholic entity hanging out with me. 

I knew what I needed to do, I trained in Alana Fairchild's channelled healing modality Soul Guidance and Sacred Mentoring TM- soon to be renamed Saraswati Healing - last year. It is a gorgeous modality that involves creating a sacred container for channelling spiritual light and using the Crystal Mandala Oracle and accompanying books for guided healing processes. It always feels heart expansive and amazing. You come into your session with an intention, and that intention is flooded with spiritual energy to be made manifest. You have the choice of working with Angels, Ascended Masters and Goddesses, each with their own flavour. There are 54 possible unconditionally loving beings within the deck and healing processes to come through and offer healing and guidance for you.  

After a couple of days of finding the time (cause you know, mum life ), I ran an Ascended Masters 333 healing template  

I was drawn to study with Alana because I find she is divinely clear channel. The particular prayer for clearing entities and karmic clearing within the template is exquisite and complete. I made sacred space and using the Crystal Mandala oracle deck, pulled my ascended master for help. Mataji. Mataji is a Hindi word meaning ‘mother.’ As the story goes Matajii is an unconditionally loving spiritual being who lives in the centre of the Earth, holding space for us all with loving embrace. She is a grounding energy and of the base chakra. Perfect, because the base chakra is associated with tribe, family and our sense of belonging. The unfriending had upset me greatly, was weakening my base chakra, and draining my energy.  

The beautiful entity clearing prayer gently encourages the disembodied spirit into the light. A further message and guidance from spirit healed my leaky chakra, ridding me of my emotional upset over the unfriending completely. The whole process takes about an hour, and I was left blissful and relieved of my suffering, and no cravings for alcohol since.  

I’m soon to be offering these sessions one on one and am looking to run group sessions which will be an evening of guided process and sharing in circle. You create an intention for whatever you like, be it personal growth or healing for humanity. 

What I love most about this modality is that every time you offer healing to yourself, you offer healing to all. Gathering with others to generate a sacred container and channel healing light for ourselves that we can then send out to wherever it’s needed is powerful and important. And right now particularly, the world needs healing light. And that is what this is, light work with unconditional love. 

Also I’m going to be running a Goddess template at the Sistahood Rising festival in November  this year, so very much looking forward to that! 

I look forward to sharing more of this with you soon.  

Alana Fairchild can be found at www.alanafairchild.com

The artwork in the background of this image is by Shiloh Sophia Mcloud