De-cluttering made easy; Clear your space with heart


Next Tuesday I will officially become a homeowner :-) These past 11 years since I flew from my mothers nest have seen me in many different living arrangements, from tents, to couches, to rentals of various quality and ocean side holiday homes. Finally a true dream has come true. I have a place to call my own, to decorate as I desire, and best of all, an organic vegie garden with a beautiful healing studio perfect for shiatsu out the back.


So gearing up to next weeks ‘Big Move,’ I am taking this opportunity to clear as much stuff as possible from my possession. The thought of letting go to my much loved and hand picked clothes feels akin to letting go of the the hundreds of life experiences I associate with them.... Overwhelming to say the least.  I felt like I needed some serious help for this task. Fortunately, as if divinely timed, Leonie Allen’s Amazing Biz and Life Academy is running a space clearing e-course with inspiration and guided meditations to assist me on my de-cluttering journey.


I lit a candle and cuddled up with a blanket and pillow on the couch ready to go into space-clearing transformation. Leonie’s meditation has me standing in a spacious protective golden egg and pulling off parts of myself just for a little while so I can be free to be the whitelight fairy angel healing spirit that I am (on the inside).  I was pulling off my legs, my hair, my arms, my jewellery, all painlessly and with ease of course.  I hung out in that airy-free lightspace feeling safety in owning nothing but my essence.


At the end of the meditation I magically put all my body pieces back together, got up off the couch, moved my candle to the bedroom and put on some relaxing music.  After my golden egg freedom exercise I miraculously I found it much easier to go through my wardrobe and separate myself from my possessions. My inner voice (that fairy-angel-spirit voice) had told me whilst in meditation to trust my de-cluttering intuition.  Surprisingly and to my delight, my intuition allowed me to keep the things I was scared more sensible to part with (yeah so I haven’t worn it in 10 years but still worth keeping, apparently) and I was guided to donate some more recent items that I probably would have kept if I were making decisions from my head and not from my heart. I was relieved to find that I didn’t have to throw out anything I really liked. The whole process was not so psychologically impossible after all, and I came up with some new outfit combos I hadn’t thought of before, so ultimately I actually gained clothes to wear.


Plus inspired by the label on a cute top, I visited the company  website on my wardrobe-clearing break and found a gorgeous black velvet dress that completely reflects who I am and what I want to feel like – at half price!

By throwing out the old I had made room for something new, beautiful and perfect-for-right-now sent from heaven, with plenty of space for hanging!


I feel like it’s a responsibility of mine to keep things beautiful. Like regular body maintenance is required for a clear flow of chi through your energy meridians, clear physical space in your home is vital for positive chi in your environment. I can’t help but feel clear space helps you reach your higher potential and experience more wealth, joy, love, creativity, health and job satisfaction.  Isn’t everyone happier when the house looks good?


If you want to find out more about space clearing and other life improving e-courses at the Amazing Biz and Life academy I can hook you up, just comment below or email me.


Click here for some more  tips on getting your chi flowing. I wish you much love and I hope to see you for a Shiatsu soon, we’ll get some space cleared in your shoulders yo. Sign up here for newsletters with specials and wellness.


Peace Love and Healing Angels


Lib xxx