The Best Basil Pesto

I’ve tried all kinds of pesto recipes over the years, kale pestos, walnut pestos, coriander pestos, almond pestos, but by far the best is the deliciousness of the traditional recipe of good old basil, pine nuts, olive oil and a pinch of salt. Garlic and parmesan are optional extras.

The strong flavour and fragrance of basil tells of the herbs powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The olive oil and pine nuts provide healthy fats. Only use fresh pine nuts and store them in the fridge, as they go rancid quickly.


2 - 3 handfuls of fresh basil leaves

1.5 - 2 tbs pine nuts

2 tbs Extra Virgin Olive OIl

a pinch of salt

1 - 2 tbs parmesan (optional)

1 clove garlic crushed (optional)


Blend all the ingredients together into a paste. I like to put all the ingredients in a glass measuring jug and use a stick blender to combine as I find it easier to clean. A food processor or even a morter and pestle are other options.

Your pesto is ready to serve.