Why your fat is making you hungry + what you can do about it


Your fat tissue, technically labelled adipose tissue, was once thought to be simply hanging around as energy storage in case of famine. Recent research has shown this is not the case. Fat as actually an active endocrine (hormone producing) organ that is constantly secreting substances that have a profound effect on many other body systems, most notably your brain, liver, kidneys, heart and reproductive organs. Your fat tissue also regulates how much fat you store, how hungry you feel and how you deal with your nutrient intake.


Your fat’s not sitting around doing nothing, that’s for sure.


Your body organs communicate with each other via a delicate, beautiful and diverse symphony of chemical messengers. Where there is imbalance in one of the instruments, such as in your liver, or your fat tissue, the whole song is thrown out of key. The beautiful symphony develops a few flat notes, a few out of tune instruments. Instead of making beautiful music, disorder and disease is starting to manifest.


I'm really looking forward to sharing with you the multiple ways your body fat controls your health in future blogs, but for today's post, I really want to talk about Leptin. Leptin is one of the substances secreted by your fat tissue, and also by your muscles and your liver. You may have heard of this hormone before.


What Leptin Does:


  • Inhibits your appetite

  • Stimulates thermogenesis = increases you body heat + burns calories

  • Enchances fatty acid oxidation

  • Decreases glucose

  • Reduces body weight and fat (by cutting off your hunger signals and increasing break down of fat)


So leptin sounds a lot like a weight loss hormone. But here’s the thing, if you have large fat cells (your BMI > 30), and they secrete leptin all the time….and they will, particularly if you rarely exercise and you eat a lot, your body stops listening to the leptin. You get leptin resistant, and this is bad news. The exact mechanism by which this happens hasn’t been determined just yet though there are a few theories.

To put it simply, the message “I’m full” just isn’t getting across. Your brain just doesn’t respond to the leptin anymore.


So the consequences of Leptin Resistance are


…you feel hungry…. a lot…. and you eat ….. all the time.


So you’re overweight. Instead of feeling less hungry you are more hungry. You then beat yourself up for eating so much. It’s a vicious cycle, and you’re still hungry. I want you to stop being so hard on yourself. You’ve been stuck in a sugar/fat cycle that messes with your internal hormones and gets your to eat and eat and eat. Stop beating yourself up. Instead, I want you to recognise the pattern, recognise that it’s reversible, and do your best to stop it.


You can stop the pattern of leptin resistance and constant hunger, but you need some help and I can show you how.


1. First of all your body needs movement. If you suspect you’re in this obesity/leptin resistance cycle weight resistance exercise is your best friend. It’s even more important then cardiovascular at this stage. You want to build on your muscle mass to boost your metabolism and get some healthy chemical messengers firing. You CAN put an end to the continual weight gain cycle with exercise. I know this is a big ask when you feel so tired all the time, and lets face it, exercise can be so not fun. If you can relate I seriously recommend you invest in a personal trainer for at least a month to get you in the habit. If you add up the investment of 3 months worth on unused gym membership and instead spend it on a months worth of personal training you come out a winner who exercises.  If gyms aren’t you’re thing get one that works out in of a park. For Perth Peeps, I’ve been working with personal trainer Janine Farrow of My Favourite Day and she is amazing and introducing movement that is fun and enjoyable. I can’t recommend her enough. I’ll tack her contact details onto the bottom of the blog.


2. You need to cut out all the junk. This means refined flour foods, muffins, sugary coffee drinks, flavoured milks, soft drink, lollies, and anything baked. I know this is scary, mainly because these foods are addictive, and you’ll have withdrawals. Focus on eating good natural wholefoods, such as fruit, vegetables and a small amount of meat. Add in all the good stuff and you won’t notice you’ve taken out the bad stuff. You’re probably terrified you won’t enjoy life as much without your daily chocolate bar, can of coke, whatever, but believe me, once you get through the first few days, eating more vegies and a bit of fruit, and drinking water you won’t crave that other stuff any more. And when you do eat it, it won’t taste any good.


3. Support your body with the nutrients it needs to reverse leptin resistance. This is where your naturopath can really help you. We have nutrients and herbal medicine to balance blood sugars, banish sugar cravings and clear your head.


Other stuff your naturopath can help you with


  • Weight Loss

  • Lower blood tryglycerides

  • Help you think clearer.

  • Lower anxiety

  • Improve energy

  • Lower blood pressure.

  • Improve memory and attention

  • Reproductive Health

  • Fertility

  • Turn on your Leptin receptivity again,

  • Get your diet just the way you want it.

  • Help prevent cognitive decline

  • Treat and prevent diabetes

  • Liver Detox and repair


I truly believe that a healthy body is crucial to living out your potential to the fullest. This doesn’t have to mean the perfect size 10, but it does mean feeling strong, and having the energy to deal with your day-to-day stressors so you can focus on what’s really important. I've had first hand experience in weight loss with my own shedding of 25kg, and you can read about it here.

Investing in your self and your health is the best way you can give your self the care you deserve to grab life by the balls. I’m available for naturopathic consults to help get you to where you want to be, and you’re most welcome to call to make an appointment.


In the mean time get out into the beautiful spring sunshine, take in some rays and get into some gentle movement.


Naturopathic appointments at Wild Grace Health, book online here


Janine Farrow of My Favourite Day Personal Training:


